Face-Planting into Fall

Hey Bravehearts,

Here in the US, summertime has slipped away, once again... and we're fast falling into fall. Sigh. Like most years, I've been hit by waves of emotion and nostalgia. It's partly the diligent student in me, who succumbs to the endless years of school programming. I loathed letting go of summer's freedom, but felt duty bound to assume the nose-to-the-grindstone position (until Christmas break, at least.)  

My astrology friends say there's a current planetary pummeling, which is asking us (insisting, in fact,) that we LET GO of past belief systems that no longer serve the lightness that we truly are.   

I'm in.  

I might as well go with the flow (since resistance is futile.) So how can I make the surrender feel less like defeat and more divine? More gentle? It's an ongoing trust-fall from head to heart and... that's the longest fall of all. 

To recognize where my mob-boss-brain is scared to let go, and is holding me captive (barking out orders and criticisms) can be a perilous journey. I tend to look back at mistakes, questionable choices and I think I should have... been a better mom, partner, friend, leader etc etc etc. Boss babes use guilt, blame and shame as a way to "protect" us from further action and face-plants.  

If I'm languishing in my left brain, then I know my BS has commandeered the wheel.   

I stop. Pull safely to the side of the road. Bring my attention to my heart. Beauty and relief always wait for me there. I picture apple picking, warm autumn days and chilly nights, the sound and smell of crunchy leaves beneath my feet.  

My hard working, action-oriented, rational, overbearing babe skillfully whips my attention away from heart-centered fluffernutter. Ms. practical-pants says awful things about me and has a very ugly scowl. "The boys are too old for Harvest festivals - they won't want to go with you anymore." 

Intuition, imagination, and other woowoo-ery doesn't gel well with the "take no prisoners" left brain. She'll insist that visualization is irresponsible kid's stuff. 

So I close my eyes, call in my glittery guardians, and douse my inner party-pooper with their rainbow waterfall. She and I stand together, in my technicolored chambers, where her shame starts to melt - she becomes much less stuffy. More cotton candy fluffy. She usually needs a good cry. A unicorn ride.

She tells me it's a very sad season of unbearable loss, the painful passage of time, no more joyful lil boys jumping into leaf piles. My heart, on the other hand, starts to sing, "To everything, turn, turn, turn." (Music soothes the savage babe.) I silently ask her if maybe we can trust the circle of life - this time of Mother Nature's artistry, color, wisdom, groundedness and diving deep into our roots.  

As she and I shift our focus, the waterfall becomes golden sunshine, and the tears hit. Instead of talking about sad things, we feel them. We bid adieu to the missteps and deep regrets, pony rides and reading with the boys before bed.  

It doesn't take long before she and I are holding hands, and tissues, and feeling grateful for the release. The remembrance.

We touch back down to the "real world" a little less sad or serious. We begrudgingly, softly, have become One again. 

Camping on planet earth is a colossal cosmic challenge. It takes conscious practice to remember the love we were born to forget. We're infinite beings stuffed into separate earth suits, seemingly stripped of the Great Pumpkin to guide us. We're fractured into many seasons, chapters and changes. No wonder it's so easy to lose hope and forget daylight savings.

But. It was part of the Grand Plan. We are born with amnesia of our holy-cannoli radiance, and we are molded by imperfect and wounded people, also born into “darkness” (actually, it's dramatic smoke and mirrors.) Then slowly, painstakingly, we rediscover our strength. Love. Joy. Galactic brilliance. 

 What an adventure!  

Nothing to fear, really, since our unbreakable Spirit would ultimately shine through ☀️ Halo restored. Our soul would be ever expanding and celebrating (even during the super painful detours) because we can't lose, in eternity. The sweet Scarecrow had everything he needed within him, all along ?  

If your mob boss insists you have to go it alone, or if you're feeling beat up and derailed by life - the busyness, baggage, work, weight, health concerns, regrets, brutal losses, or you always got rocks during trick or treating, consider joining my online class. It's only $111 (til 9/25/19) and you will be able to drop some of the scary BS and pick up inspiration, rejuvenation and ginormous joy.

Your heart doesn't have to return to the Light. It IS the light.?

Check out the deets below, and dive into some autumn awesomeness!  

Aligning with the Soul's Joy:


Class runs for 8 Tuesdays, Oct 15th – Dec 3rd, 2019,

7pm – 8:30 EST, $111

Register here by 9/25 and get early bird bonuses ~

2 free private coaching sessions (woohoo!) plus a copy of my memoir, 6 magnets or bookmarks, and a hand painted card of your choice?

Come practice the medicine of peace and presence.

See all the details here!

To the tears that need tissues, 

to the grief that needs surrender, 

to the laughter that lifts us higher,

and to soul-satisfying caramel apples,

sending lotsa love, 

xo Julie


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