New Year Warriors!  

Moving into 2019, I plan to be more present. I'm trying it right now as I type. Just pause for 2 seconds and inhale deeply. Oh and smile to yourself - feel how it changes your energy? It always helps me find some small appreciation for whoever and whatever the mighty multiverse has dumped on my doorstep. I also find that I can witness life, people and the many ups and downs, without taking them too personally. Or seriously. Someone else's opinion or pain does not have to feel like my fault or my responsibility. (Trying to fix or 'save' the people we love just signals to them that we think they're doing it wrong. Or we don't believe they can do it by themselves...) 

The difficulties I bump into are a reflection of where my own wounds are waiting for my presence and acceptance. If I can honestly witness the reflection, embrace the beasties, and love myself anyway, I can better love others (and their beastly behavior...) It's an open gift, without conditions or strings. 

There's always self-awareness hidden in the sucky circumstance or in that creepy critic (especially the inner critic.) Our presence allows our soul to take the wheel, once again, and let us rest and receive from a higher perspective. It's a gift of freedom and loving detachment from the BS.

For our new and fun GD Spirit Pub pubcast,

on Grace, Gratitude and Staying 

in the Powerful Present Whoa-ment, listen below~

Breathe in the moment. 

And then the next. 

And the next....

And welcome the new year with lotsa love,

If you're looking for some super-soul support and accountability in 2019, to align with your spirit's creative power, mission and vision... my coaching rate is temporarily at $20/hour for new clients (or past clients, in a bind.)

Here are the coupon codes~

To buy 4 sessions, go to Rawk On Coaching  and use code 4sessions 

To buy 8 sessions, go to Ginormous Joy Coaching and use code 8sessions

To buy 12 sessions, go to True You Masterpiece and use code 12sessions

To buy 16 sessions, go to Super Soul Power Coaching and use code 16sessions

To buy 20 sessions, go to Whole Art and Soul Coaching and use code 20sessions


Do You Feel the Quickening? Plus NJ workshop


Welcome 2019